Because the snout piece that came on it was not the correct one,I have the new top piece. Next week I am ordering the round black piece that has the speaker in it so I can talk.
Hey TB7024 here - Congrats on starting your Biker Scout! I was wondering if you had gotten any farther than this? Hope to see you trooping in the 501st!
Hi Zach, I haven't done too much in a while, I have been working on my R3-T7 I am almost finished. So I will be working on my scout uniform soon. I have been a megacon for the last 3 days, so I will be working on mine soon.
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Looks great...why did you cut out the middle piece only to replace it??
Was it too small??
Because the snout piece that came on it was not the correct one,I have the new top piece. Next week I am ordering the round black piece that has the speaker in it so I can talk.
Hey TB7024 here - Congrats on starting your Biker Scout! I was wondering if you had gotten any farther than this? Hope to see you trooping in the 501st!
Hi Zach, I haven't done too much in a while, I have been working on my R3-T7 I am almost finished. So I will be working on my scout uniform soon. I have been a megacon for the last 3 days, so I will be working on mine soon.
Sounds good! I'll be looking forward to hearing your progress on!
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